Copying from your torrent download space hdd to another hdd while downloading on the other hand can severely hamper torrent download speeds as it maxes out the hard drives read write abilities/bandwidth. Because that's exactly what was happening to mine and my ISP was still full steam ahead on a speed test while this was happening and the hard drive would still copy between other drives at around 80 - 100 megabytes a second which is about the Max you can expect from a portable hdd because they are only 5200rpm so will never reach theoretical usb 3 speeds. I'm in the same boat 5tb 2.5" external usb 3 drive and internet is fibre 250 megabit so torrents max out download speed is around 31 megabyte any usb 3 hard drive should easily be able to cope with that speed I'm not sure what bandwidth you're working with but if it's yo-yoing as in all torrents drop down to nothing or almost nothing then it's definitely QBT in my humble opinion mate.